It’s always a perfect time to learn more about money, investing, debt management, and saving so here are the best and most accessible personal finance books to do just that. We could all use a little help getting our finances in order, and this is doubly important if you’re a self-employed freelancer whose income can …
Nomad Books and Film Recs
Learn, explore, and become the version of yourself that you want to be with these engaging reads. When Atomic Habits was released, it inspired people to change their lives and mold themselves into their most upgraded version yet—but even the best books end. If you love Atomic Habits and want to spend more time reading …
While being a digital nomad is incredibly exciting and rewarding, there is a lot to know about working remotely. From how to find work and make the money you dream of, to obtaining clients and achieving work-life balance. These books for digital nomads and freelancers cover it all! Whether you dream of being a freelancer, …
People are looking to change their lives in a meaningful way, this year more than ever. Whether that’s to curb overspending on items we’ve been tempted into, to declutter a home to make for a living or office space that enhances our lives or to reduce our carbon footprint and household waste. With this movement, …
Whether you’re a traveller looking for your next Friday night movie or you need some inspiration to set off on a digital nomad experience – these films are must-watches. From unique adventures to inspiring stories and everything in between, continue reading for some of the best movies about nomads. These movies include stories about creating …
With so many incredible documentaries available over a number of platforms, narrowing them down to the exact ones you want (and need) to watch can be a challenge. After hearing about the recent IPCC report, you may be wondering what you can do to help — perhaps you’re keen to educate yourself on the particulars, …