It’s always a perfect time to learn more about money, investing, debt management, and saving so here are the best and most accessible personal finance books to do just that. We could all use a little help getting our finances in order, and this is doubly important if you’re a self-employed freelancer whose income can …
Budgeting and Saving
Budgeting and saving: Take control of your finances, reach your goals, and build financial security.
If you’re self-employed in the UK or are making income outside of the traditional PAYE system, then you have to register for self-assessment and, unfortunately, file your own tax return. Once you are registered as a sole trader in the UK, you will need to submit your self-assessment tax return each year so you can …
Personal finance can feel overwhelming, especially when you know little about it. In fact, only one-third of adults have a basic understanding of finance. Fortunately, the best finance YouTube channels we’ll share below are changing this by making financial education accessible. Learn how to invest, increase your income, save money, and realistically budget to live …
Over the last few years, the number of digital nomads has drastically increased. And this recent study found that 48% of digital nomads see financial freedom as a top benefit. So how can you live cheaply as a remote worker? We’ll share everything you need to know in this article. Digital nomads can work from …
Whether you are a digital nomad just starting out or you’ve been in the game for a while, don’t let airline costs scare you off from exploring the world. After all, visiting new places while keeping your day job is one of the best parts of being a digital nomad. We’re here to share some …
Don’t let the lifestyle of a digital nomad lead you into debt. Here are some tips for nomads and freelancers on managing money and paying off debt. In the 21st Century, debt is an ordinary part of life. If you’re in the US, student debt is like a millstone around your neck. In the UK …
Figuring out how to be a digital nomad is exciting, but it can also be confusing and feel like a lot of work. That’s why, after years of living as a remote worker around the world, I’ve created this practical guide on how to become a digital nomad in ten steps. Below, I’ll share what …
As freelancers and digital nomads, being in charge of every penny we make and having dreams to work from anywhere requires a degree of financial responsibility that many of us have had to develop as we go. The good news is that there are so many tools out there that can help you budget your …
Getting banking right as a digital nomad and remote worker can be challenging. Traditional banking doesn’t always work for people like us who perhaps don’t have a fixed address, wouldn’t be able to simply visit a branch if there was a problem, and ideally don’t want to be spending hours on the phone doing anything. …
If you are in a position where a client won’t pay, here are some simple steps to follow to ensure that you get what you are owed, and to avoid having to chase payments in the future. Being a freelancer can be wonderful. You (ideally) get to work on projects you’re passionate about — or …