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5 Helpful SEO Tips to Promote Your Online Business

Working online has become more popular than ever. It has countless perks, like being able to work in your comfy clothes at home or in unique places like Romania or different cities around the United States.

However, when it comes to working online, especially if you’re working for yourself, you need to promote your business in order to be successful. That’s where SEO tips come in handy.


Although remote work is rewarding in many ways, one of the most challenging aspects of working for yourself as a digital nomad is networking and finding clients or customers.

In this guide, we’ll share tips for how you can promote your online business using SEO, what SEO even is, and other helpful information for growing your business.

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What is SEO and why is it important?

SEO stands for search engine optimisation and is the practice of optimising online content so that your business can be found organically on search engines. This is essential for making your target audience find you so you can make money from your online business.

When we talk about SEO, we’re usually referring to optimising your content to be ranked high on Google. In other words, if you have a website for your online business, the goal would be to optimise your site for SEO so that you rank on page 1 of Google and your potential clients will find you before they find your competition.

Keep reading to learn about using SEO with other platforms along with your website to reach potential clients or customers.

Whether you’re a freelance writer, photographer, eCommerce brand, or have another remote work job, you can use SEO to get more eyes on your business. The more people can find your business online, the better your chance of success. 

Best of all, good SEO means avoiding marketing via costly routes like paid ads. Not to mention, many consumers prefer working with people and businesses they find organically online because it feels more authentic.

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5 SEO Tips to Promote Your Online Business

When we talk about SEO, we typically focus on using a website to incorporate SEO techniques. However, you can also use other platforms and strategies to optimise for SEO.

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Below, we’ll go into detail on our top SEO optimisation tips, but here’s a quick overview:

  • Optimise your website for SEO.
  • Add your business to Google+ Local.
  • Ask for reviews.
  • Start a YouTube channel.
  • Utilise Pinterest.

While a website is the primary way to use SEO to promote your business, we recommend incorporating 1-2 of the other options as well. And you can always expand your SEO techniques as your business grows.

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1. Optimise your website for SEO.

If you’re wondering if you should have a website, we recommend you do. This is because a website is the best way to be found online and you can use it for so many things – your portfolio, showcasing testimonials, sharing what you do and where potential clients or customers can connect with you, and more. 

Websites don’t have to be fancy, especially starting out. They can be relatively affordable and easy to create on website builders like Squarespace.

Here are the best ways to optimise your website for SEO: 

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  • Do keyword research and implement them on your website. There are countless keyword research tools like Semrush and Keysearch (use our discount code KSDISC 20% off all Keysearch plans for life). Use keywords that your audience would be searching for and with a high search volume.
  • Use your keywords appropriately. Your keywords should be used naturally within your website content and in your headers. For an SEO boost, be sure you incorporate your keywords into meta titles and descriptions and alt text for images.
  • Keep your website relevant. When a website isn’t updated regularly, rankings drop. The easiest way to keep your site updated is to incorporate a blog.
  • Share valuable, easy-to-read content. Search engines like to rank helpful websites. You can do this by offering content that’s valuable and easy to read. Using lists, short sentences and paragraphs, images, and charts are excellent ways to do this.
  • Include linking. In your blog articles and on other web pages, link to other pages on your site to keep your audience around longer. You can also link to other high-quality websites to offer extra resources to people on your site. This is primarily done in blog articles and shows Google you provide helpful content.
  • Use Google Search Console. This free tool allows you to keep up with your website’s traffic, performance, and usability. Connecting your site to Google Search Console is quick and easy.

To learn more about these SEO tips and tricks to promote your online business, check out this complete SEO guide.

2. Create a Google Business Profile.

A Google Business Profile is an excellent way to boost your SEO and reach more people if you have an online business and are mostly in one place or have a home base. This allows you to show up in Google Maps and lets clients or customers leave reviews for you. 

This option won’t work for all digital nomads, but it’s ideal for those who enjoy working with local businesses. Photographers, writers, and social media managers often have a Google Business Profile.

3. Ask for reviews.

The more online content there is about you and the service you offer, the better your chances are of showing up in search engines. Reviews are an excellent way to do this.

When finishing up a project with a client, you can always share your Google Business Profile and/or a form that allows them to leave you a review. Not only is this good for SEO, but it also builds your credibility and shows your audience why they should work with you.

4. Start a YouTube channel.

YouTube SEO is becoming a hot topic since many people on the internet are loving video-form content. YouTube is also an excellent way to market your online business because it allows you to not only be found by more people, but lets you show your expertise.

YouTube SEO works similar to Google, where your page, videos, video playlists, and descriptions are optimised for SEO. You can even use your YouTube content and repurpose it into blog content for your website or vice versa to save time and show up in multiple places online.

Read more: 6 Easy Ways to Grow Your YouTube Channel

5. Utilise Pinterest.

Pinterest has become my new favourite way to market my online writing business because I’ve seen the results firsthand. Again, this works like other platforms we’ve mentioned, where you can optimise your Pinterest business page to reach your ideal audience.

Pinterest is an easy way to bring more traffic back to your website. As you share pins and people find them, they can go directly to your website to learn more about what you do and potentially become clients or customers.

Note: While almost all consumers are searching Google and having a website is key to being found, be sure to consider what other platforms your target audience may be using before diving into creating content there. 

Can I do SEO by myself?

Yes, you can learn and implement SEO by yourself. Although it can be time-consuming, it’s simple to implement the SEO tips shared above on your own.

seo tips for social media

The more you practice, the easier it becomes. If you’re short on time, you can also work with someone to help you.

As an SEO expert who’s been learning about it and working with it for a few years, I’ll be the first to say that SEO is a long-term game. However, once you get it going and keep up with it, it’s evergreen. Search engine optimisation can really help your online business take off and allow it to grow for years to come.

If you’re looking for help with SEO or have more questions about promoting your business online, you might be interested in this website consultation service.

We hope these SEO optimisation tips have inspired you to promote your online business and generate more income. If you found this article helpful, please consider sharing!

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